Welll, this week did not go as planned at all. I had to work out of town, but that is no excuse. I was out of work before 7 pm every night, but two things interferred.....Call of Duty (yes the video game) and MGM Grand in Detroit. I had all intentions this past week of keeping to schedule, but those darn video games! Then, when I had two days of that I end up in the poker room at the MGM Grand. Now, this was my first time in the poker room, and I was a little nervous. I am a fairly good hold em player, and usually cash out when I play with my co-workers or friends....but this was entirely different. (I did cash out though which was good) The hardest part of the whole Poker Room at the casino thing is figuring out all of the players at the table. Ill be doing it again....it was just too much fun!!
Now, for the training. I did end up on a Elliptical three of the days (Monday, Wendsday and Friday) for thirty minutes each time, and I'm probably lucky I got that in. Today, I did do a three mile tempo'ish run in 27 minutes. Now, last year I could hold the 9:00 pace for 10k, and my hope by the end of summer is to be able to hold that for the half. It would be totally AWESOME if I could do it for the full marathon in the fall, but that is expecting too much out of myself. As it is, like I mentioned before, I may not be ready for the Charlevoix Half this month. The only races set entirely in stone are the VASA 5k, the Harvest Stompede 5k and the MetroHealth Marathon. I would love to get some more racing in, but work has been brutal and Ill just have to wait and see.
The next couple weeks I'm working close to home, so will be home mornings and evenings. This will enable me to get back on schedule and see exactly where I'm at as far as long runs are concerned. I did 8.5 and 9.0 in the past month or so and a 6.5 mile last week. Ill probably try either a 9.5 mile flat long run this weekend on the TART trail, or a 8.0 mile run I have mapped out from my house that is surely not flat. Either way, if I can complete those with a minimal amount of issues, I may just try Charlevoix, but certainly as a training run and not a race. If only the weather would cooperate. It was cold for so long, and then all of a sudden, high 80's and low 90's with a crap load of humidity.....miserable!!
Santa Runs Tacoma 2010
13 years ago