Wednesday, November 24, 2010

Post Injury Post!

Well, from the absence of my posts, one would guess that maybe I've run into some problems! Well....this year I broke two toes on two different occasions. Unfortunantly, the second broken toe wiped out my chances of running the GR Half or Full Marathon.

To be brutally honest with myself as well, the broken toes gave me the "excuse" to fall off the wagon as far as exercise. This past week was week 6 since the second toe, so now I can start running again, which I really need to do to feel like I'm accomplishing something in my exercise routine.

This coming week, I will be restarting my exercise routine (Now come on...its hunting season in Michigan right now!) and signing up for the first spring half marathon December 1st in Traverse City. (it reaches its limit early...the Bayshore)

Ill post more later as my routine starts to form! Thanks!