Saturday, August 8, 2009

Hiatus Forgotten!

This week was a return to my schedule after a two week break. (work and training intruded!) I could have run during this time frame, but it just didn't happen and I'm not going to dwell on it. After a very slow and painful start, I finished the week feeling like I had made up for the time off. Today's 8 miler went extremely well. Corey didnt feel real good at mile 1.5 through 3, but she eventually ran through the discomfort and we ended up finishing around where we usually do. Today's route was new, and included a massive hill around mile 6. I was impressed we ran so close to our flat course time. I like these long runs with Corey for two reasons. One, it keeps me within the middle zones of my heart rate. During the rest of the week, I'm running 5/10k pace runs or intervals. I don't do alot of easy runs unless I'm not feeling well. Also, we like to run together as I've mentioned before, although she sometimes curses my back towards the end of runs.

This weeks running was as follows:

Monday - 3.5 miles at 9:18 pace with .6 mile @ 10:00 pace, with last quarter at 6:30 pace
Tuesday - 3.0 miles at 9:44 pace (did not feel real strong)
Wednesday - 4.6 miles at 9:04 pace
Thurday - 4.5 miles @ 8:48 pace
Saturday - 8.0 miles @ 11:52 pace

For those that don't know, Corey and I have entered a half marathon this fall. I have run close to the 13.1 miles necessary in training runs already. Corey is working up to that point with Hal Higdons intermediate training schedule. This week was week one of training, but I maintain a modified week 8 year long at around 24 miles a week. Corey is right at week 8. At this point, both of us will run the half together; neither of us have raced this distance before. This is why we are running at the 11:00 ish pace which Corey can maintain fairly easily over an 8 mile distance currently.

No races until September, where we will run two is looks like. Mackinac Island was going to end up being a very expensive race, so we will most likely opt for a local race. We also have the Harvest Stompede, which is always difficult.

That's it! Hopefully next weekgoes similary to this week (out of town the whole week). We shall soon see!

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