Monday, January 18, 2010

The Week Wayyy out of town!

This week I am in Madison, WI for training, and those are the weeks where I usually struggle with keeping a routine. Not this week! Sunday did a three mile run before driving here, and tonight finished my 3+ miles doing intervals today. Tomorrow I implement one part of the P90X routine that is so popular, the Core Workout. Wendsday I plan on running 3-4 miles, and then Thursday a short run, with the P90X Ab Ripper unless I'm too beat up from the previous few that case Ill move the P90X to Saturday. Friday I still have class and have to drive home, so that day will be way too long to exercise. Ill probably need day off by then.

Its great to finally get some traction back from the time off. I am excited about the race season coming up, although already my April race may be in jeapordy. I usually go on a fishing trip at the end of the month and the race I really wanted to run was the day I was leaving for Mexico. I scheduled a different race (a 15 miler no less) but that is the day I'm supposed to be fishing, and I don't think I want to give that up. I guess the most important thing is I got back into it. My heatrate is slowly starting to come back down. In the height of running, my resting heartrate was in the 50's, and slowly climbed up into the 70's the more time I took off. Now its starting its reverse trend, and when I run, most of it isnt in the 90% and above zone. (although there is still a little too much) It will take some time to get back where I was, but taught me a valuable lesson about taking too much time off!

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