It has been extremely hard lately to get my running in! I love to run, but my work schedule has been very busy lately with a lot of out of town work. The work has been in Detroit lately, which is one place I'm not just going to take off outside and run.
I also had some calf issues this past week that have now dissipated. I was pretty worried about the leg, but took it easy with work on the elliptical rather than run too much. I only ended up really with two runs this week, but thought it would be better to do that. I was also probably more worried about the long run on Saturday. Last Saturday, I had to cut my long run short due to the calf issues and was wondering how I would handle it this week. It went extremely well....better than I would have expected. The recap for the week is as follows:
Monday - Elliptical 2.5 miles for 30 min
Wednesday - Elliptical 2.7 miles for 30 min
Friday - Easy Run 3.1 miles @ 9:30 pace
Saturday - Long Run 8.5 miles @ 10:31 pace (1 hour 29 Minutes)
This next week will be a little different. Because of my schedule, I'm going to have to run the LR earlier in week then I typically like to. Ill likely try a 3mile EZ run on Monday, interval session on Tueday, crosstrain on Wednesday, LR on Thursday?, and a very light run on Friday. Like I said, because of schedule Ill have to take it day to day.
Santa Runs Tacoma 2010
13 years ago
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